Monday, May 3, 2010

Decisions, Decisions...

So Greg went to Seattle last week to interview at SPU. The position he was interviewing for is essentially the same position as he's currently in. There were a lot of positives... he liked the people, the school, the apartment etc. There were a few negatives too (which I won't go into here). He got back late last Thursday night and since then we have been going back and forth about whether or not we would take the position if it were offered to us.

It's so hard! We really don't know what to do. With JBU, I felt strongly led by God. I think He knew I would need that reassurance from Him because at first after we moved here it was really hard for me. But because of that strong leading, even through the loneliness, I knew that God had led us here and that he had something good for me.

This decision is different. It's a decision. I think we could take this job, and it would be fine... or we could decline it, and it would be fine. It's just a question of what we want to do. And what do we want? For now, neither of us seem to know.

1 comment:

titushome said...

We'll pray that the Lord gives you direction and complete peace about what decision to make. Closer to Portland might be nice, Then our little ones could have play dates together. :)
